NAPO Oregon


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May NAPO Oregon Chapter Meeting

  • 05/15/2024
  • 6:15 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Virtual


  • Guests are invited to attend NAPO Oregon Chapter Meetings for a non-refundable fee of $20.
  • Chapter meetings are free for NAPO Oregon members.

Registration is closed

** Guests, please plan to attend the Guest Orientation, which begins at 6:00 p.m. Check in with the Guest Orientation Coordinator upon arrival. **

Member Virtual Happy Hour + Check-In: 6:15-6:30 PM

Call to Order + Introductions: 6:31-6:40 PM

Educational Program: 6:40-7:40 PM

This month the educational program will be broken into 2 segments. In the first half our soon to be past president, Gabrielle Proust, will discuss Daily Money Management. In the 2nd half we will have a panel of contributors who attended NAPO's Long Beach Summit '24 share the great takeaways gained from the various presentation offerings.  Questions welcomed. 

Event Description:

Is AADMM in Your Future? 

What is American Association of Daily Money Managers (AADMM), what do we do and how does it fit within your professional organizing business?

Learning Objectives:

1. Learn about AADMM and what they do

2. Who to partner with?

3. What are the qualifications to become a DMM and a member of AADMM? 

NAPO National Summit '24 Discussion

Attendees from this year's Long Beach, CA summit will share what they learned and discuss all the benefits of attending NAPO National Summits. Next year will be in Chicago, IL, the famous windy city. 

Break Out Rooms (Networking): 7:40-7:55 PM

Business Meeting: 8:00-8:30 PM

We look forward to seeing you online next month!

NAPO Oregon, Incorporated is a legal entity separate and distinct from NAPO, Inc. (the National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals) and is not entitled to act on behalf of or to bind NAPO, contractually or otherwise.

© National Association of Productivity and Organizing Professionals Oregon Chapter. All rights reserved.

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